If your firms sales exceed 15k per month, your owners personal credit is strong, you have been in business 2+ years, you either have never filed personal Bankruptcy or your BK was discharged 3+ years or more, your firm was break even or profitable on your last filed returns, you are free of liens and pending litigation, and operate a business that is not a restricted industry type- you have a reasonable chance to secure low-cost conventional credit.
Of course, with Bank Underwriting there are no guarantees. Due diligence may unearth multiple entities, excessive credit inquiries, existing UCC filings/encumbrances, restricted NAICS codes, personal and state tax liabilities, and background search information that might preclude you from receiving the right credit at the right terms.
If any of your responses position you external of conventional credit approval standards, the good news is that BCCUSA can help you become ‘bankable.’
At BCCUSA (Business Credit Consultants), we have 14 years’ experience overcoming the ‘speed bumps’ on the journey to conventional credit.
If you prefer to receive a customized AI detail qualification/eligibility report, which includes personal and business credit reporting data that banks utilize (a $99 charge will apply),